Handy Sanitary District
Regular Meeting of the Board
February 8, 2007


Attendees: Norman Hunt-Chairman, Tim Loflin, Ronnie Harrison, Ron Niland-General Manager, Renae Snider-Clerk to the Board, Frank Wells-Attorney, Keith Loflin (7:05)

Guests: see attachment.

Norman Hunt called the meeting to order and the guests were registered. Upon review of the register, he announced that two guests had requested to speak. Karen Nash inquired whether Handy Sanitary District had an interest in a log building located at the Hwy 49/Hwy 8 intersection. The Board confirmed that the District had not made any offers or followed up on the building at this time. Karen Nash also inquired whether the Board had been in contact with Representative Melanie Goodwin. Ron Niland explained that the District had sent her an update letter on the sewer project. Karen Nash discussed that she and some other people had been emailing Rep. Goodwin and had received some responses from her. She discussed an email reply from Rep. Goodwin that questioned the sewer tap fees. The Board and Ron Niland explained that the sewer tap fee is $3,500.00, including the pump, until construction begins, and advised that Rep. Goodwin contact the District if she needs any information. On behalf of a woman unable to attend the meeting, Karen Nash presented the Board with copies of a letter and estimates. She read the letter, which expressed concerns about the family's monthly cost of water and sewer and requested that the Board consider any means possible to lower the costs of the project. She explained that the attachment to the letter was the customer's estimation of monthly water and sewer bills, once the project was complete. The Board reviewed the estimates.

Patricia Marshall was the next guest to speak and discussed that she had also been emailing Rep Goodwin and that she planned to go to legislators to talk about the mandatory hook-up. Patricia Marshall expressed that her concerns were whether the tap fee was the $1,500.00 or $3,500.00. Ron Niland confirmed that the current sewer tap fee is $2,500.00, plus $1,000.00 pump fee, for a total cost of $3,500.00, if paid before construction starts. Patricia Marshall inquired about the cost after construction began and Ron Niland confirmed that to be a total of $7,500.00. She also inquired about how Davidson County residents, a Tier 2 county, were supposed to pay tap fees, and about whether the $3 million grant was helping to decommission the Wastewater Treatment Plant at Uwharrie Point. Tim Loflin explained that Uwharrie Point being part of the project meant more customers, and therefore lower rates. Patricia Marshall questioned how that was possible if Uwharrie Point customers were not paying same tap fees. Tim Loflin explained that Uwharrie Point is currently paying a higher tap fee because they are not part of the project yet. Patricia Marshall asked how much U.P. customers were paying for sewer taps and Ron Niland confirmed that the total was $7,500.00. In closing, Patricia Marshall discussed that all other Badin Lake property owners were still paying more than those in U.P. because they have already had to incur the cost of a septic tank and are now faced with the cost of the sewer tap.

Approval of the January Minutes: The Board reviewed the January Minutes and Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the Minutes, as corrected and presented at the Board meeting. Ronnie Harrison seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.

Financial Report: The Board reviewed the monthly financial report Ron Niland discussed details, including water purchases vs. water sales. He explained that the District was in good shape for the year end and breaking even as it should. He also confirmed that the Town of Denton water rates were on the agenda for the HSD Board's approval, after which the District will receive credit from the Town for overpayment due to the former higher rate.

Adjustment request: The Board reviewed a customer's request for an adjustment. Ron Niland asked Renae Snider to brief the Board on the events leading up to the request. She explained that the customer first appeared on the high usage list on December 20, at which time two field employees who were sent to re-read the meter, discovered the dial spinning rapidly, indicating a leak. She confirmed that they had turned the water off as is standard courtesy, and consequently, the office staff had left the customer a message to inform him of the leak. She discussed that when the customer contacted the office in early January, he stated that he had turned the water off on November 13. She stated that at this time, as requested, two more field employees were sent out to check the meter again, and they returned with the same reading from December 20 and confirmed that the meter was turned off. She verified that the office staff had then explained the District's leak policy to the customer and offered to set up payment arrangements. Ron Niland agreed that the staff had followed standard policy in regard to this customer's leak, and as a result the customer was unsatisfied and had mailed in the written request for the Board's consideration. The Board agreed that there were no circumstances that would justify waiving, or an adjustment of the bill. They advised Renae Snider to write a letter to the customer to make him aware of the Board's review and decision.

Approval of Town of Denton rates: Ron Niland presented the water rate per thousand gallons from the Town of Denton, which he discussed was lower than the previous year. Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the water rate of $1.1687 per thousand gallons. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.

Ron Niland announced an addition to the agenda, regarding the Badin Lake Sewer Project. He discussed that the Board had asked Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates to present a contract and Preliminary Engineering Report for the Hwy 49/Hwy 8 intersection. He presented the contract for services and Frank Wells advised that the Board wait until he, as well as they, had a chance to review, discuss, and agree on any modifications they may want to make.

Harborgate: Frank Wells updated the Board on recent developments, which included that he had been in contact with former engineer, Hi Marziano who had located plans by Campbell and Wallace and had used those to draw up new plans for submittal to the state. He discussed that he had told Mr. Marziano that the District needs something from the state approving that the permit pursuant to the Campbell and Wallace plans is still sufficient for these new plans. He also stated that Mr. Marziano suggested that it would likely be less than 30 days before he had that approval from the state.

Tim Loflin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ronnie Harrison.
