Handy Sanitary District
Regular Meeting of the Board
September 13, 2007 


            Attendees: Ron Niland-General Manager, Norman Hunt-Chairman, Keith Loflin-Secretary, Debbi Yarbrough, Ronnie Harrison, Frank Wells-Attorney, Renae Snider-Clerk to the Board, Gray Walls

             Guests: See attached list. 

            Norman Hunt called the meeting to order and the guests were registered. None were signed up to address the Board, besides The Reserve representatives already on the agenda, so the public comment period was closed.

             Approval of the Minutes: The Board reviewed the August Minutes and Debbi Yarbrough made a motion to approve the Minutes as written. Ronnie Harrison seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.

             The Reserve: Thomas Simpson and Shane Coderre introduced themselves and discussed that they were involved in the new development of a private community on Badin Lake, called The Reserve. They explained their plans for The Reserve and expressed interest in the possibility of the District providing water and sewer service to the community. Ron Niland expressed the District’s interest in the development and explained that he and Gray Walls would need to get together to further discuss the possibility of providing water and how it may affect the District. He agreed to get back in touch with Mr. Simpson and Mr. Coderre afterwards. Regarding the possibility of sewer service provision, Ron Niland and the Board explained that the District could not, at this time, make any agreement or commitment to provide sewer since the Badin Lake Sewer Project did not yet have state approvals and would likely not be complete until sometime in 2009.

             On call schedule: Ron Niland and the Board discussed the field employees’ pagers not going off in all areas at all times, as well as a particular issue that had arisen as a result the previous weekend. He discussed that several customers, Board members, and even 911 could not get in touch with the field personnel for a couple of hours, to report a major leak on a main line on Hwy 109. Ron Niland explained that following this incident, the District had provided 911 with cell numbers to reach the individual field personnel, in addition to the pager number. He also discussed other ideas that he is considering, which include the possibility of an after-hours answering service and also having both a primary and backup field employee on call at the same time.

             Field Report: Gray Walls discussed leak detection being one of his main priorities since water loss was estimated to be around 45%, and explained that he recommends the District performing leak detection in house through meter and hydrant listening, spot checks, etc. He explained that a key first step in detecting leaks was acquiring an accurate District map, including a digital version, with markings of all lines, hydrants, valves, etc. Ron Niland confirmed that this map, along with the program Arkview, should be here soon from HUA. Gray Walls also discussed different methods of leak repair and reported to the Board that he thought the current District field personnel to be a good group of guys with the right attitude, just lacking experience. Also discussed between the Board, Ron Niland, and Gray Walls, was the verbal agreement between the Town of Troy and the District. Ron Niland informed the Board that various details of the arrangement were still being sorted out, and that Gray Walls would be reporting the field status every few months or so at Board meetings.

             Financial Report: Ron Niland discussed that water purchases were up, but compared that sales were also. The Board and Ron Niland discussed the lake levels and agreed that in conjunction with the Town of Denton, should put a notice in the local newspapers that the District customers would be on voluntary water restrictions.

             Montgomery County: Norman Hunt inquired about the water purchase contract with Montgomery County and Ron Niland confirmed that the county’s attorney was reviewing it.

             Mandatory Connection Ordinance: Ron Niland advised that we table this item until all Board members were present and the Board agreed.

             Cell Tower Lease Agreement: Ron Niland discussed that the cell tower company that is leasing the land behind the District office had contacted him in regards to renewing the lease agreement. Frank Wells and Ronnie Harrison explained that the original lease agreement would not be up for two more years, and that if the cell tower company wanted to continue the agreement after that, it was spelled out how the arrangement would be for the following ten years. Ron Niland confirmed that he would find out more details from the company and bring it back to the Board.

             Leak Adjustment Report: The Board reviewed the monthly adjustment report and Ron Niland stated that the District had a lot of happy customers as a result of the adjustment of this policy.

             Badin Shores Resort: Ron Niland discussed that Fred Hobbs had gotten in touch with Mr. Crouse and was setting up a meeting with the Badin Shores Resort Board. Ron Niland stated that he would let the Board know when he found out when and where the meeting would be.

             Loflin Fabrication Project: Ron Niland discussed that he had talked to the Davidson County Manager about the county possibly contributing $30,000.00 or $40,000.00 towards the Loflin Fabrication Project. He explained that the county manager had recommended that the District Board send him an official request for help and that he would present it to the County Board and they would likely contribute. Ron Niland also discussed that the quote from HUA was high and inquired whether the Board was ok with shopping around for other engineering firms on this project. The Board agreed that the District should consider bids from other engineering firms. The Board and Ron Niland also discussed the Town of Denton owning part of the line and treating the sewer versus the District moving forward and asking the County for assistance.  

             Astran Drive Project: Ron Niland discussed that he had talked to Bern Schmack with Clean Water Management Trust Fund, who had suggested lumping some projects together in funding requests and holding off on requesting funding of other projects that could be applied for when those projects were progressed further along.

             The Reserve: The Board advised Ron Niland to send a letter to Montgomery County that confirmed the District’s discussion with the developers.

            Debbi Yarbrough made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ronnie Harrison, passed by the Board 4-0.
